Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So Live Killaz

Good to see tha crews getting down an busy with new works coming from left right and centre! Also along with this we have some new cats added to tha mix, intoducing Gieo, Karma and Resk, cant wait to c what these guys can bring to tha table. Heres a bunch ov new work from tha crew.

Grosser a.k.a Wayne 1970


Optikal One

Optikal one, unfinished

Gieo Devos name jam


Tha So Live turtle

Arise sketch experiment

SLK experi'mental' peice
this shits on my house! dedicated much haha

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Push Tha Limits!

Lately i've been living life by a phrase 'Push my limits' so i've been driving to push even break tha so called boundries that alot of people live by and are restricted to! and what better way to do it than with graffiti, pure gold straight from the wall, and its free for people to look at, we aint charging for this shit! (well not always.. haha) if anything we as the graffiti artists are paying good dollers just so others can see it. So on that note here a handfull of my proudest works free of charge... Enjoy!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Abandon hospital mish

                                                           PNTR                         Malice

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Some new works from me an the boys in duds town

 Mr Optikal One
 Opte x Devos
 Devos Rates exchange
 Optikal Android
 Quake sketch by Rates
Laura sketch by Rates