Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Stay inspired!

I made a rash decision to paint this wall one afternoon about a month or two ago with no real clue as to what I wanted to do with it, at this time I had heard that Askew was in a bit of a tricky situation and wasn't at 100% health so i decided to use his name, just as a sign of respect and maybe as a little something to lift his spirits. But now that I had used his name, this piece had to be some top notch art work! This is the reason I hadn't posted it yet because I wasn't happy with how it had turned out, after about a week of painting in my spare time between other jobs and around 35 dead cans later I called it finished but I still wasn't happy with it. I'm not usually one to follow a trend but I decided to drop a multi colour outline on this piece, seems to be what alota people are doing these days and it looked fun! Overall this was just a fun experimental piece to play around with and learn some things but in saying that its also to show some appreciation to Askew One who has played a HUGE part in the world wide graffiti culture but also in keeping me inspired to push the limits! Keeping the NZ graff spirit alive. The Most Dedicated!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hieroglyphics and Gods!

The ancient styles of Egypt are always on my mind at the moment so I thought I'd drop a bit of Pharaoh stee, I wonder how the Egyptians would have rocked burners if they had paint! Maybe a little like this! Once again i went with some real expressionist styles, i love it when i get the mad drips in my work! some people are picky and would'nt have a bar of it but i cant get enough! I guess its just my style, would have liked to take it a bit further but only had a little over 2 hours to get this on the wall. But more to come asap! 


With less time on my hands these days means spending less time painting full on pieces an so on so heres a few simple nugs I've conjured in tha last month(ish)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Slangn Live Colour!

Karma x Devos get down in duds town! (Once again!..)

A bucket of roller paint and we were away! Used a bunch of stock cans (budget shit!) on this prod had a bit of fun rockin' some expressionist type styles on this one, def was feelin it. Shouts to the CHCH crew, keep it up!

Sorry cuz tha only shot I had of ya piece!